The Washington State Communication Access Project (Wash-CAP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization made up of advocates who have significant, moderate and no hearing loss (some are relatives/friends). We communicate primarily with the spoken language, not sign language. Our goal is to create an equal playing field for all people with hearing loss as well as increase participation, success and enjoyment of life’s opportunities. Therefore we work to “open doors” to public activities, events and services. (We work to open doors to activities and events in Washington state for people with hearing loss. Our goal is to create an equal playing field for all people with hearing loss; as well as increase participation, success and enjoyment of life’s opportunities.)
We accomplish these goals via working with entertainment, governmental, sports and other venues to achieve compliance with (local) State and federal disability regulations and law. Our primary emphasis is captioning, as that is the form of hearing access that generally works for every degree of hearing impairment, from deafness to mild hearing loss. Additionally, whenever people with hearing loss are unable to receive appropriate accommodations, it is our intent that Wash CAP be there to help.